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Articles & Case Studies What is Content Management System (CMS)

What is Content Management System (CMS) | eJeeban Web Design Company Malaysia

A Content Management System, or CMS is a web application designed to make it easy for non-technical users to add, edit and manage a website content.

Advantages / Benefits of CMS

  • It’s easy for the non-technically Maintenance
    Users can easily maintain website content without having any programming knowledge. In fact, who can use word-processing software can use a CMS.
  • It allows multiple users
    In a business, there are many people who can have input into your website, from those who add product pages to those who produce blog posts for marketing effects. A CMS make it easy to manage roles and publishing oermissions for all these users.
  • It helps you mange content
    CMS being able to remove the content when it’s out of date. If you are running a New Year promotion, then even before the season ends, you will want to remove or change it with CMS, this is as simple as unpublishing the content to ensure your customers continue to have good experience on the site.

Capabilities of CMS
CMS is used to control a dynamic collection of web material, including words, images, and other forms of media. A CMS facilitates document control, auditing, editing, and timeline management. A CMS typically has the following features:

  • Create, edit, publish, archieve web pages,
  • Create, edit, publish archive articles / promotions,
  • Keeping track of the version of a page, and who changed what and when,
  • Publishing and unpublishing content.

Content Management Systems are relatively new in the market, and while many are still not familiar with them, they have potential to dramatically simplify the maintenace of your website.

Feel free to request a quotaion if you are intereseted on implementing Content Management System to your website and we also offer the affordable web packages, which including web hosting, web design as well as CMS.